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Software Defined WAN (SD-WAN): Everything you wanted to know, and more.

With increasing connectivity demands from cloud services through to M&A activity, coupled with a healthy market for reliable transport services, the Network Services team has been disadvantaged without a cohesive solution to just "make it happen".


Enter SD-WAN, a technology designed to meet our ever increasingly complex WAN requirements with all the benefits of software-defined networking. Something we have been waiting for, for far too long.

In order to determine what value SD-WAN may deliver, and how to leverage that, we need to educate our key decision makers within the various layers of our network services ITSM stack. Once educated, we can then start to make smart decisions. The challenge here is finding the appropriate material for each stakeholder, from strategy & design through to operations and security. Every stakeholder has differing drivers, requirements & constraints.


So, where is the holy grail one-stop shop for all this information?

Enter Cisco's Future WAN '18 SD-WAN Virtual Summit.

From business value & strategy to design & implementation demos, you'll find information for every stakeholder, serving as a one-stop-shop for your SD-WAN needs.

Cisco has graciously made all this material available for us online, so take advantage of it while it's still available.

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